Monday, January 4, 2010

Party Catch Phrases Why Doesn't Some "visionary" In The Dem Party Cut Loose With A Few Cute And Clever Catch-phrases? Can You?

Why doesn't some "visionary" in the Dem party cut loose with a few cute and clever catch-phrases? Can you? - party catch phrases

Photo witnessed this scene at a party (as he told me): A group of people gathered to discuss about Bush and the war in Iraq. A young Lib (which obviously had done his homework) was the task of facts and figures to support your case, bring the troops. A close student of Bush sitting in silence for a few minutes and smiled as the song Lib During the first break, broke with ...." Buddy, if you are not with us you are with them! "A large number of five years , pats on the back of the neighboring Bushie - and that's all. Game over. The Lib away - shook his head and muttered. (The person who does not hear this story tells what he muttered, but I thought it sounded something like: "How did you do that?" Or maybe "Howdy Doody.") With nine little words, which were both closed and shame! It made me think: If stuation was reversed, could say the Lib? You can not even give Democrats much? a slogan or two? such as pipes Bush (ad nauseam)?


madpol1 said...

Here are a few:

Neoconservatism is a dress sociopathy.

Iraq is Bush playing toy soldiers with real soldiers.

How to overthrow the democracy, "the country?"

Chicken Hawks are heroes, and veterinarians are traitors? Sure.

Support em bring the troops home ".

A show of hands here! How many of you have not filed any contract?

Such as taxation and spending is worse than money, we do not?

Is it really true that the rich usually go well?

It is something we have to talk to the Democrats about 30 years. First, the people give the concept, then you tell them the information. I do not understand. And political correctness was gutted and castrated American left. They are ashamed of spray when the flag goes. They are afraid to call and brave soldiers are women. They are afraid to say that a large number of melanin, that someone is not always correct. And that is exactly what the Chinese Communists established a sound policyNess to do. Red China loves the Conservatives - they are cheap to purchase.

Ducks Clinton's sex scandal, rather than on everyone's lips, how much better things so that with Joe Lieberman cost Gore the White House Y2K. Hell, if she went to peace, prosperity and budget surplus, I would create the post of officer polisher Knob Oval Office.

I am not a Democrat but a Republican not have been honest, because Gerry Ford

Did you say in a comment best answer that you are in Chicago?

Dead Marxist said...

Give Peace a Chance

which has always been a favorite, but I think it has been replaced with "No blood for oil"

Dead Marxist said...

Give Peace a Chance

which has always been a favorite, but I think it has been replaced with "No blood for oil"

Dead Marxist said...

Give Peace a Chance

which has always been a favorite, but I think it has been replaced with "No blood for oil"

Dead Marxist said...

Give Peace a Chance

which has always been a favorite, but I think it has been replaced with "No blood for oil"


short slogan? no.

Real-world politics are intricate and complex issues of justice, it did not reduce the cute slogans such as the Philippine government.

the Republican Party are big sellers. they understand people have a very short attention span and do not want to hear about things that the American hegemony, state terrorism, and feudal rivalries, which are given in the Middle East.

want to be bought cute little slogans may with one voice.

Unfortunately for progressives who believe the truth. stimulate informed discussion about real problems.

Republicans want to sell their votes.
Progressives want their politicians to win their votes.

This is one reason why the liberals are always on the sidelines in this country and why the language debate is still controlled by the Conservatives.

Progressives are not only stupid consumer.

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